Thursday, August 30, 2007

Change is Nature

Wow! I have not updated my blog for almost 2 months already. How time flies! No excuses!

This month, I had the privilege to learn from Philip Kotler when he visited Singapore. Before I met him, I was wandering what a 75 years old professor, whose books are used by many universities around the world, will address in his classes.

Not surprising, he devoted a fairly large amount of time to discuss marketing through New Media, such as blog and U tube. Like what the title of one his books say: "Marketing Moves".

I respect him for his great insights and more importantly his willingness to keep up with times, despite his success.

Change is Nature. Marketing must change to keep up with time.

Changes can be due to many reasons ... globalisation, emergence of new technology or government policy change.

As a result, taste change, new fashion evolves and new products are developed. If you can catch the trend, you will get a chance to sit on the nose of a rocket. A fine example will be

Western clothes with flavors of the East. Something truly unique.

teck beng

Can't find what you are looking for, Try Google Search
