Monday, May 7, 2007

What do you do when someone say you never reply a message?

Selling today is very different from 20 years ago.

An elderly participant in my sales training class once told me this: when he got his 1st job in 1981, after graduating from university, he had no email, no mobile phone, no voice mail, no fax machine on his working table. Now that he looked back, he wondered what he had been whole daylong!

Nowadays is different. I got friends who accused me of “typing” too slowly on my mobile. So they called me before I finish replying their sms.

Sign ...

Technology has truly changed the world and our way of life.

The typical sales professional today can be reached anywhere, anytime.

The typical sales professional today receive no less than 100 emails and sms every 24 hours.

So it is not uncommon for sales professionals to “lose” a couple of messages from time to time.

Question is what do you do when this happen to you?

My recommendations:

1)Do not argue with the sender about whether the message has been sent.
2)Apologise immediately
3)Retrieve the message if you can find it. If not request for a resend immediately.
4)ACT on in now! You are already late.

Last but not least, to get the best out of time, all messages should be replied, deleted or filed (saved) immediately.

teck beng

1 comment:

PanzerGrenadier said...


Agree that we are living in the information age where communications can be virtually 24x7...

I have created a couple more blogs, check it out if you have time!

Take care!

Can't find what you are looking for, Try Google Search
