Saturday, October 6, 2007

5 Business Rules I live by....

... and I encourage all my students and seminar participants to do the same.

1) Build relationships ... and this takes time. Do not sacrifice long-term relationships for short-term profit.

2) Show sincere appreciation to every business opportunity you receive - no matter how small it is. Never forget to say "Thank You".

3) Communicate with your partners, suppliers, customers and friends as often as possible. If they are talking to you, they can't be talking to your competition.

4) Don't over complicate things. All things in life can be condensed into simple principles and all problems can be solved using commonsense. Business is the same.

5) Manage conflicts within your team and within yourself well. Never let clients be the sacrifice of such conflicts.

(Myself developed none of these wisdoms. Most of them were from the books that I have read ... as the saying goes: Who you are and what you will become is dependent on the books you read and the people you mix with.)

teck beng

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